Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Communication must-read of the error of team communication

A good business, stressed that team solidarity, of which, how communication is a major problem. For business managers, to the extent possible, to communicate with employees so that employees can keep abreast of managers are thinking, understanding employees are thinking, clear responsibility and authority rewards and punishment; while at the same level and between the subordinate and superior communication between the elimination of misunderstanding between them, or understand each other's true intentions in mind, to make the team play a more work performance.

However, in real life, leadership and communication between employees is not an easy task, due to the hierarchy, the official standard thinking mentality of those in power, there is often some misunderstanding.

Communication is the interaction between employees, communication and eliminate misunderstanding, mutual understanding and harmonious relations. If the lack of communication with each other, conflicts will arise, resulting in alienation, the formation of internal friction, affect the normal operation. Instead, the mutual communication between employees is not an easy task, due to the hierarchy, the official standard thinking mentality of those in power, there is often some misunderstanding.

The last communication there is no "guts"

Wang programmer for a while kept cold by their superiors, even though Wang's performance more prominent, was in business, very little recognition of his superiors, it touches my colleagues who became the boss mediocre performance in mind the most. Wang boss wants to communicate several times, asking for his boss's views, may Wang boss's office each time to knock the door, then hesitated, and quickly withdrew his hand. Until one day, not to the days of the company uniform wages, superior to the Finance Department has informed his paychecks, and realized by the company fired. He puzzled. Wang had told company leaders secretly engaged in part-time outside, eat outside the expense too.

In fact, Wang is the Shou Yuan, and he had no part-time job, he is jealous of his colleagues superior performance, playing a small report falsely accused him. If Wang and timely communication with the boss, figure out the reasons for his boss out in the cold, be clarified to explain that things would not have developed to such a sad state.

Why not take the initiative then Wang communicate with the boss? This is due to the old hierarchy, can not take the initiative and superior communication. General staff is always that communication is superior to subordinate, how can take the initiative to go to my boss subordinate communication. This bias bungled the employees the opportunity to communicate actively with the supervisor, the result is carrying a heavy cross, unable to extricate themselves. Therefore, employees have to remove the "fear" a bold initiative to communicate with supervisors to seek the views of their superiors, in a timely manner to eliminate the misunderstanding of their superiors, or to understand the true intentions of their superiors in order to work better.

In this regard, Mo farming pillar of students doing very well, he could boldly take the initiative to communicate with teachers, eliminating their feelings. Spring and Autumn Period, Geng Zi column a master star pupil, but he always suffer Mo blame. Once, Mo has blamed the farming pillar, column farming really feel very aggrieved, because among the many disciples, it is generally accepted farming columns are the best people, but happens often been accused of Mozi, let him face on the make life difficult. One day, Geng Zi column angry and asked: "Teacher, Is it true that so many students, I could be so bad that in the elderly to often you are scolded by it?" Mo hear, not without anger: "Suppose I am now on the Taihang Mountains, in your opinion, I should use good Malay pulling carts, or use the cow to the trailer? "Farming column said:" re stupid people know to use good Malay pull a cart. "ink son asked: "Why do not cow?" Farming column said: "The reason is very simple, as good enough to bear heavy horse, it is get rid of." Zi said: "you'd be a little too true, and I The reason often scold you, because you can only assume responsibility, it is I again and again to teach and the Correction of you. "Farming column to get the explanation from the Mo pleased to put aside ideological baggage.

At the same level of communication there is no "lung"

Ancient fable "stealers," said a man lost his ax, suspected of stealing his neighbor's. When he saw the neighbor, found a neighbor like stealers walking, talking like stealers, every move is not unlike stealers. Later, he found the ax in the valley, to see a neighbor, found a neighbor walk, talk, nothing like the stealers

This story can also be seen as mirroring the lack of communication between the same level caused suspicion. The reality, at the same level between the expense of others, lack of intimate knowledge of the communication between the lung, which persists in the form of mutual suspicion, or each other. This is because the levels are too high-level value between the value of their own, while ignoring other people's values; some human weakness, as far as possible the responsibility onto others; there is a conflict of interest, fear of others better than yourselves.

A good business, stressed that team solidarity and close cooperation. Therefore, the importance of communication between the same level. Good communication between the same level To be frank, mutual respect. If you though communication, but not open their hearts, but hidden over her, then the last part of your tongue, it was not enough to communicate results.

Have a business, finance and marketing, long-term lack of communication, sometimes to open a joint is serious matters ulterior motive, no sincerity. Therefore, in some matters, the two long and arguing back and forth, affecting the company's reputation. Observant bosses discovered the crux of the problem, he found a head of two departments, asked them to communicate confidentially. The two departments have had a long gap, because of their subordinates secretly are talking ill of each other, the Finance Ministry said the marketing department so spineless, they always put the customer directly to the Office of debt collection. Finance Ministry wants more liquidity once the company's liquidity, foreign companies account for the time being lied to no money, and marketing people who are dismantling their units. CEOs do after work, head the two departments have made self-criticism, mutual apology, saying his men to strictly bundle people together for the common interests of the company closely. From that point on, the two departments often in close communication, work is coordinated.

Not under the Communication on "Heart"

Some business leaders mistakenly believe that: decision-making is led to do, men only need to implement their decisions, do not need to communicate with each other. In fact, communication is both ways. Reasonable and effective leadership to make decision-making must be extensively collect information, analyze information, to make scientific judgments.

If business managers do not trust their employees, without the necessary communication, let them know that the company's progress, employees will feel they have been Dangzuo "outsiders", at worst will hit staff morale, low Zaochengbumen Xiaoshuai; Zhongze between managers and employees to form a kind of mutual distrust as Amaoagou hostility serious barrier, unable to reach consensus, and sometimes even misunderstood the intent of the leadership of passive resistance. As a matter of leaders, decision-making, nothing to do with the staff.


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Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to revive the old floppy drive?

I have had two floppy drive with the bad, the symptoms can not read and write, there is no floppy disk is always prompt, and occasionally be able to read and write often halfway error, blue screen phenomenon. Watching two old floppy gesture, thought of "Computer News" has been introduced on the head can lead to not offset the normal read and write, so they decided to explore what happens yourself.

First, remove the floppy drive before the plastic panel, and then open the top of the closures, take a floppy disk inserted and removed several times, to look at whether the activities of mechanical parts such as heads and flexible, whether slow or stuck phenomenon, not found after several tests anomaly, in the end is what causes the normal floppy drive can not read and write it?

Recall information on the introduced offset if the heads can read and write their own formatted floppy disk, so they open the case, the power lines and data lines are already open the cover back into the floppy drive, the boot and a blank, formatted floppy disk , saw a few heads back and forth repeatedly appeared error box "No floppy disk" format can not be, it seems the problem is not a simple head offset. Shut down and remove the floppy drive, carefully watched the head of the structure and found the head and disk contact is through the head on a spring pressure to achieve, is it too small to cause the contact pressure can not read and write floppy disks? Holding forceps gently lift the tape head, feeling very loose and weak, and careful observation of compression springs, one end of spring found three steps, apparently used to adjust the spring pressure, but now spring is in the best next step, so use forceps the spring to move a step above most. Boot test, reading, writing, formatting, all floppy disk as usual, the problem is resolved.

Contact pressure due to head and the disk is too small can not read and write the question properly confirmed. Then quickly open another floppy drive, follow the same method of debugging, really effective immediately. After a long trial, the first floppy drive is very stable and reliable, the second floppy accidental previous symptoms. Re-open a second floppy drive, won the compression spring, spring has been found that the plastic deformation, elastic enough (Note: The floppy drive is a hybrid brand), resulting in less stable. I found a little improvement of the same size of the spring, according to a production stood back, after a trial effect was very good. If you do not have the same spring, the spring can also be the original direction in the opposite direction to the elastic force twisting, and to bring a certain amount of plastic deformation, increase its elasticity, the effect is also very good.

This shows that the floppy drive can not read and write properly or do not recognize when a floppy disk, may not have big problems, not easily discarded, but not necessarily head offset, and do not easily adjust the head position to avoid a mess the more adjusted to floppy repair more difficult. I think people often play on the computer side there are several such floppy sure, might do the same method a try.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baidu Xing, Tencent death?

Baidu Baidu IM communications through their carefully planned, waited six months earlier, finally no longer shy, opened under the veil Dengying. Currently, Baidu has started recruiting senior product manager, IM, IM strategy out of the rumor stage, into the warm phase. It seems Not One Less, Tencent Baidu prelude to a war we must, therefore China will enter and Evolution of the Internet during the grand unified likely in the near future to come.

QQ more and more poor user experience will Baidu opportunity.

QQ's experience is getting worse, the news overwhelmed the window and message box has been very unhappy users, the current msn, popo, Yahoo Messenger, gtalk and other instant messaging software, users are left to a very high democracy, the user can choose whether or not the pop-up information and tie fixed-mail messages show only the state of Tencent QQ is rape.

Where there is oppression there is resistance!

QQ users triggered the riots, I believe that Baidu QQ IM users will be because the riots were a large number of users, Tencent day to die just because they are too power, coupled with last year's screen name event Sina, Tencent already become a national enemy.

Baidu's users are the most extensive users a high degree of overlap with Tencent, Baidu IM Hsing, then Tencent death, Robin Li and Mr. Ma, one mountain can not accommodate two tigers!

Baidu's mass base is also powerful than Tencent, Baidu launched as long as IM, industry and users will be heard, raising the number of users have not been difficult, to see whether the product manager for Baidu Baidu IM to a higher realm gone.

Baidu Xing, Tencent death? QQ users revolt is inevitable, more loud than the Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising, Baidu entered the era of the Internet in China, while Baidu is facing its own test results experience, the other major portal Baidu Home withstand the test. To be more intense storms more now!

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